How To Hold A Prop Under Dental Instruments US?

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Under Dental Instruments US is only one of the top dental instruments company in the United States for your dental care and treatment. Prostheses that do not hold as they usually do cause serious problems. Of course, people who wear dentures fear that their braces will come off. What solutions can be applied to solve the problem of the device not holding?

Solutions For Holding The Tooth:

Under dental instruments US, customers should not be hesitate to treat their teeth through our professional tools. Mostly people thinks that when teeth don’t fit properly in the mouth, there are three main reasons. It is a prosthesis that is not good and the rules of the art will be repeated. In this case, it is better to go to another dentist for his opinion than to the operator who made the dental prosthesis. 

But the dental appliance gets old and therefore the bone resorption works and the appliance no longer has a close relationship with the gum and therefore it stops, because the water glass effect no longer occurs. But the anatomical structure of the bone base is not suitable for obtaining good natural support. There is no help of bone marrow.

1- The Dental Glue Solution: 

It is the easiest solution to implement to maintain dental devices, but it has many disadvantages. In addition to applying it repeatedly during the day, this dental glue has an odor that distorts the taste of food.

In addition, it is not good, pasty, in short, not very tasty. However, it has the advantage of solving the problem immediately, but only for a short period of time unless you constantly update the application. It is a solution that still has followers for its ease of implementation and often for money. 

2 – Payment: 

Rebasing consists of placing a layer of dental resin to fill the void that prevents the prosthesis from adhering properly to the palate. This work can be done directly in the dental office or in two stages. It is a relining type of dental appliance that restores close contact with the bone and gingival core of your mouth. Source: (MURATA H) 

In this way, the desired comfort and stability is achieved. This solution has the advantage of being economical because one is satisfied only to fill the defect of the prosthesis. There are also flexible relining products and resins that can be used and applied individually.

3- Change Your Teeth: 

If your dental prosthesis is so damaged that it cannot be repaired with relining products, it may be necessary to consider a new prosthesis. first impressions of the dentist. Prostheses in most cases do not have a deep enough extension to have the proper surface to adhere to the gums. 

4- Prostheses And Implants: 

This is the fourth solution to support dental appliances: implant-supported dental prostheses. It goes without saying that this is the best solution, but the most expensive one that does not reach all budgets. It is a question that carries at first four or six implants that will fix a complete prosthesis. The outfit is perfect. You can bite, like with your right teeth. These prostheses and implants have the advantage of permanent active bone, which reduces natural bone resorption. Dentures and implants are correct prostheses. They are directly or indirectly connected to a titanium implant that works as an artificial root. 

These implants are placed directly into the jawbone. The operation, performed by a dental surgeon, allows the implant to be completely attached to the bone. This modern technique makes the dental prosthesis stable and permanent. Only a few minor changes will be required throughout the life cycle. The treatment of dental prostheses and implants is the best option for your dental health.